Over the weekend I attended a Reunion Planning Workshop at Southwestern University (I graduated from SU in 1979). We are coming up on our 25th reunion in October and I volunteered to be on the planning committee. It was great to see several of my classmates again! Our reunion will be a lot of fun, and I am looking forward to teaming up with my fellow committee members to get it planned.
Since the topography of Georgetown is very similar to the hills of Bastrop and Austin through which we will be riding at the end of the MS 150, I took my bike on its first road trip. I don't have a bike rack yet, so I hauled my bike in the back of our Honda CR-V, which worked pretty well since it rained most of the way there. I didn't have to worry about the seat and handle bar tape getting soaked. I was busy with the workshop all day Saturday, but this morning broke sunny and clear so I hauled the bike out, dressed up in my biking clothes, and rode around San Gabriel Park. I climbed a pretty minor small hill. Reality hit! Boy, is that ride into Bastrop going to be tough! I managed 5 miles total distance. I probably could have ridden more but I needed to get back to the hotel to check out and drive home.
Go Pirates!