Took the week of March 15th off from work to paint the house and spread mulch in the various beds and gardens we have in the yard. Took the opportunity to get new slick tires put on my hybrid bike to take the place of the rougher nobbies. I also had the Bike Route do a safety check on the bike so I could get one of those stickers that gets me free mechanical repairs if anything konks out on the road to Austin. Slicks look interesting, got the ones with gummy light brown walls. Hopefully they'll enable me to ride a lot faster with the same amount of effort due to less tire-road friction.
Ordered 14 yards of hardwood mulch to spread in the flower beds, tree rings, and raised garden beds in our yard. Got a big dump truck to drop it in the driveway. Hmmm, smells good! Pretty easy to move using a wheelbarrow, lifting that shovel is good weight training. The yard always looks nice after mulching everything. Of course, here in Houston it takes about two months for the mulch to rot and the cats to mess in it and it starts looking normal again. Those weeds grow through it pretty fast. I've generally done this every two years, could probably do it every year.